Serving up great Pizza, Subs, Wings, Calzones, Wraps, Gyros, Salads and Appetizers. Check our events for concerts, trivia nights, daily specials & more
JT’s Pizza is a locally owned, small business that recognizes the importance of quality ingredients. Owner, Joe Hartnett opened the shop with a single priority—to create excellent, first-rate food at a good price. At JT’s Pizza, we pride ourselves in our commitment to producing only the highest quality food, every time, for every customer. We understand the value of a positive recommendation and consider our best means of advertisement to be a customer endorsement. We are committed to using only high quality, fresh ingredients, while still providing hearty portions at a low cost.
Sports Bar, Pizza Place, Pub
Dinner, Lunch
Home delivery
Catering service Suitable for groups Outdoor tables Takeaway Booking is NOT mandatory
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