Baldwin's Restaurant was opened by Stan and Carol Ann Baldwin in 1976. Since then, the best home-cooked meals have been served over the years. The restaurant is known for its delicious Chicken Fried Steak. During the noon hour plate lunches and 2 vegetables are the best selection. Baldwin's is now home to the original famous "SUPER DOG" served in Ardmore many years ago. The batter is special recipe and freshly battered and fried to perfection. Baldwin's serves breakfast all day long. Childrens and senior meals have been added as specialties. Of course, Baldwin's still serves several types of burgers, sandwiches, fries, and home-made onion rings. Customers love the home-made pies...come early...pies can sell out by the end of the day. Locals gather during the morning hours, so its a good time to catch up on the latest community news. Lunch is usually busy from 12:00-1:00 Mon-Fri. Arriving at 11:00 or at 1:00 may be better times if the party is short on time. The atmosphere is very casual with some of the best waitresses in Ardmore. Baldwin's Restaurant - Just like mom used to make dinner from scratch.
Family Style Restaurant, Diner, American Restaurant
Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch
Suitable for children Takeaway Table service
Booking is NOT mandatory
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