Sliabh Aughty Honey & Natural Irish Skincare

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100% Raw Irish honey & natural skin care products , locally produced from the flora off the shores of Loughrea lake and the Sliabh Aughty mountains.

Sliabh Aughty Honey & Natural Irish Skincare

Slieve Aughty honey/Loughrea honey is owned by Noel and Rose Leahy. We have been breeding bees and producing honey for home use and sharing with friends for the last 10 years.
Our mission is to produce 100% raw honey of the highest quality.
We are registered with the federation of Irish beekeepers .
2 years ago we decided to increase our hive numbers to allow us sell some honey and share our quality product with others.
Our bees are in 6 aperies on the Slieve Aughty Mountains,
This mountain range is spread over both County Galway and County Clare and runs into the Burren
Primary plants and trees in the area that produces nectar and pollen are:
Pussy willow, hazel, Sycamore, beech, chestnut, white thorn, daffodil, snowdrops mountain ash, Heather, Gorse.
Dandelion, clover, blackberry, Gorse
Ivy, heather, privet,

    Skin Care Service, Food & Beverage Company



      Carrowmore,Clostoken, Galway, Ireland

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